Monday, September 03, 2007

Jealousy - The Biggest Waste of Time

I never understand why people take the time to envy someone else or anything that they might have. It's quite interesting. to me but don't they realize that what someone else has really has nothing to do with them or their ability to succeed.

When I hear people say they hate a beautiful celebrity or covet someone else's abs, I cringe. We're all blessed and fortunate to have something special. Maybe you are not tall and then like a model but does that mean you are less important. We are all important in our own way and until people get that into their hearts and minds, there will always be jealousy.

I am a writer but there will always be more successful writers but I am learning to be thankful for my talents. I know that if I keep working hard and believing my dream I can have the success that is meant for me. Now, when I achieve my goals and receive all the accolades that come along with it, don't be jealous because there is enough for us all. Instead of spending time on a useless emotion, spend time go after goals then you will be too busy to think about being envious.


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