Monday, March 10, 2008

Stripper or Ex-Con

Hollywood is an interesting place to me. One with a little bit of a sordid past. Secrets kept and one hand washing the other. A place unlike any other and sometimes hard to figure out. As a writer and I am sure many actors can say the same, it it difficult to know what will catch some studio executive's eye. I mean what do they want? Do they even know? I have to say that lately I am starting to wonder, is it drama or an erratic lifestyle that makes for good TV and film? I have read posts or recent script purchases where ex-cons get a script sold, then with the recent Oscar win of Diablo Cody, one wonders if being a stripper works. But then again, right after she wins, the media backlash begins. Was she an easy target because of her past? Is it more exciting to mention that the writer just came out of jail or rehab? Do we like to see others fall? Does it make us feel better? The average writer with a boring and average lifestyle seems to get overlooked and I say why? What has our society come to? I mean, writing about life totally works and sometimes lives can be happy. REALLY. It may be hard to believe but some good stories come from writers that are the nerds next door. Remember that.


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