Monday, February 02, 2009

When Not Working....Work, Learn and Relax

I was recently laid off from my editorial position at a major publishing company. It is something that has been happening to quite a few people I know in my industry so I was not alone. I was a little sad about the layoff but after a few weeks, I began to regroup and find the positive. Even though I was laid off at a time when so many people were out of work, I decided to use the time wisely. There have been a few things I have wanted to learn but always seemed to be too busy so I decided to take this time to learn a new skill, polish some old skills and even relax every now and then.

So far, things have been going well. I cannot say that I don't get a little discouraged at times but now when I do I can quickly turn it around and focus on the good. Keeping myself busy, along with helping others is the way I stay upbeat and with my mind staying on my goal. I am even learning how to relax and not sweat the small stuff as much. If I can pass on any advice or wisdom to anyone who has been laid off recently, it would be to take the change as an opportunity to go into a new and exciting direction. That is what I'm doing and to be honest it is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing as all.


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